Saturday, September 17, 2011

This weekend has seen a bit of progress on the black car. I have started to remove the SR20 engine mounts. These were quite substantially welded in The main plate welded to the inner guard will remain as this will be difficult to remove with out damaging the guard, the other sections can be ground off these are welded to the chassis rails so I will need to be cautious that the rails don't get damaged. I also started to remove paint from the boot floor there is a bit of rust in this but most of it is surface so I will probably just clean it off and rust prime it onc the rust holes are done. I have also found some rust around the rear quater windows and again this is just surface so will clean up okay. She also got her first bath in who knows ow many years so a lot of the dust is now gone, 

This shows the slam panel removed Fortunatley The white cars one is okay to reuse

In this you can see the remains of the SR20 mounts

This is a good shot of the altered fire wall and bulk head

The boot floor prior to cleaning

And after I had stripped off some of the paint

The suface rust in the R/H quater window

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Well after a long long week at work I got home on Saturday morning and decided to do a bit on the black car. During waiting time at work I decided to get the black car on its wheels for 2 reasons 1 to make it a bit more mobile around the garage till I make up new spits (rotisserie) for both cars. I returned the spit that I had for the original car as it does not quite work on the new shell. And 2 I want to get this car road legal and due to our Laws any structural changes and assocaited welding must be done by a certified I am wanting to fit rear turrets and other changes all of which require a certified welding so it makes it easier to transport the to and from the Panelbeaters. By Sunday The car was on its wheels so I can now start to source the bits and pieces required to be fitted, Turret boxes, chassis gusset rear tubs, bubble arches and other bits and pieces. So I have some progress at long last. I will add photos at a later stage.